Cookies Policy
As a user, you can always resort to the tools provided by your browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE or other) for blocking or deleting cookies. The first action, that is, the blocking of cookies, may result in possible browsing failures such as: non-functional services, inaccessible functionality, etc.
1. What are cookies and why do we use them?
Cookies are small text files that are created when a user visits a particular site, thus allowing the recognition of device (pc, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on the next visit. It is, furthermore, possible to collect certain information concerning your browsing experience so that you can optimise some features in future visits, for example: language, browsing preferences, colours defined in certain settings, etc.
2. What type of cookies do we use?
Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that will be deleted from your system when you finish your session. Consequently, no cookie will remain on your system.
Permanent cookies: these are stored in the system and are reused whenever the user re-visits the site. A cookie referred to as permanent has a longer expiry date and is deleted from the system thereafter.
Functionality cookies: allow you to retrieve user preferences, thereby avoiding that the user remains with an active session between sessions or avoids having to enter the user’s name during each visit.
Regardless of the nature of cookies, these have the sole purpose as shown above and are never used to collect information of a personal nature.
For more information about cookies go to